vendredi 27 février 2015

Lookup Column - Shows Some Additional Fields, But Missing Columns

I have created two related lists. The first list is keeps track of specific meetings, with the following:

  • Name of meeting (Single Line Text)

  • Date of meeting (Date and Time)

  • Chair of meeting (Person)

The second list keeps track of meeting actions. Among other columns, each item in the action list contains a reference to the meeting the action was assigned in. I am able to use the lookup column feature to do this; I am also able to pull in the date of the meeting. However, it does not give me the option to pull in the meeting chair person.

I see that there are columns for Created and Modified which are people columns, but my specific Chairperson column does not come through.

Is there something I need to do differently to get the chairperson referenced on the view for the meeting actions?

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