mercredi 25 février 2015

Move documents to different document library because of list view treshold limit reached

I have a document library which throws the following error when selecting a view that sorts based on the date modified:

This view cannot be displayed because it exceeds the list view threshold (10000 items) enforced by the administrator

This library does not have an indexed column and I cannot create one because of the treshold.

What I would try to do now is create a new document library with the same columns but create an index on the date modified column. Then I would like to move all documents from the old library to the new one. And then maybe create a view that limits the documents to perhaps modified in the last 3 months.

Now, my questions to you are:

  • Is this the correct approach to solve this problem? Move the documents to a new library with an indexed column?

  • What's the best way to go about this? With Powershell I presume, but that's not really my strong suit. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

  • When copying the documents, is it possible to copy the metadata as well? Created by, date created, modified by, date modified,...

Thanks in advance!

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