mercredi 25 février 2015

OOTB join of relational data

I "inherited" a SharePoint 2013 site where someone managed to store relational data roughly as follows: Flight-Plan

  • OUs-List contains information on organizational units.

  • Peoples-List contains people, each referencing (yes, referencing) an OU from the OUs-List

  • Areas-List contains information on areas

  • Destination-List contains information on destination, each referencing (again, yes. Saldly.) an area.

  • Flights is an N-To-M-Relational-Join effectively joining a person to a destination on a given date.

The question is, if (or how) it is possible using OOTB-SP2013 features to display an OU-filterd list of people and for every person the next three flights.

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