jeudi 29 janvier 2015

How do I get and sort child items using rest api?

I have an asset library with managed content types, but for some reason I'm unable to get the managed content fields when I drill down to the Child level. At the moment, I'm only able to file names using ''. Anything else returns undefined.

How do I get the file names, associated descriptions, and return the data sorted with a hyperlink for each item?

//'Modules')/files //'Modules')/files('sizksoufas-aslj')/Children

$.ajax({ url: "https:", type: "GET", headers: {"Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"}, cache:false, success: function(data){ console.log(data); var html = ""; $(data.d.results).each(function(){ html = html + "" + this.Task_Description + "" ; }); html += ""; $("#listResult").html(html) } });

<div id="listResult"></div> </code>

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