mardi 30 décembre 2014

Edit ribbon gone when trying to edit SharePoint 2013 list item

I have a list in SP that has been working fine. I am the admin and have complete full control to the whole site.

When a user that has been given "Edit" permissions to this specific list clicks on the column name that I have linked to the item, the Edit ribbon is completely gone (The ribbon that shows "Edit Item", "Version History", "Shared With", "Delete Item" etc.)

When logged in as myself, I see this ribbon, but when the user who has edit permissions for this list is logged in, they do not.

I have added the "Edit" column to the list to see if they will be able to edit the item. And this column does allow them to edit the item. Yet the ribbon is still missing.

One of the biggest reasons I need this ribbon is so users can add attachments to already created items.

Anything you can do to help would be great.

Thank you

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