jeudi 26 mars 2015

LightSwitch app on SharePoint Server 2013

So here's the problem: I have a simple Lightswitch app made with VS 2013. I am DB-admin and SharePoint has the default settings.

When I click "deploy", VS is installing exactly 38 minutes and then it asks me if I trust this app. When I click Yes, Internet Explorer shows "Sorry, something went wrong" but no details...

another deploying error is this one: "Web deployment task failed. (Object of type 'manifest' and path 'C:\Users\kmartini\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\SurveyApp\SurveyApp\SurveyApp.SharePoint\bin\Debug\app.publish\\SurveyApp.SharePoint.Web.SourceManifest.xml' cannot be created. Learn more at:"

So what is the problem here?

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