mercredi 4 mars 2015

osssearchresults.aspx page throwing error on only one webapplication in SharePoint 2013

I am working with Search in SharePoint 2013 Standard version.

I am facing issue while searching on a SharePoint Web-application. The page "osssearchresults.aspx" showing error one web-application but when I am searching on other web-application, the result is shown from "not-working web-application" also and all other webapps also.

I have created site collections in not-working web application but the problem is same on other site collections also (if it is created in that web application).

The web application is having DMS so to search documents we need search.

I am not getting any results in other search pages 'created in site pages'.

I found the crawling is working for all files.

I am getting below error:

Sorry, something went wrong.


Cannot find stub for type with id "{80173281-fffd-47b6-9a49-312e06ff8428}". The specified server may not support APIs used in this operation.

Correlation ID: fc6fef9c-2517-e098-88b4-ddcb723c1c9a

I need help. Please let me know if any query is there.

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